Petfood Forum
Solicitation Policy and Attendee List
We do not sell or transfer attendee information to third-parties for commercial purposes.
Warning: Beware of Fraudulent Offers Targeting Petfood Forum Attendees
From time to time, Petfood Forum exhibitors and attendees may be targeted by third parties claiming to sell data on the attendees of Petfood Forum. These offers are fraudulent and are in no way connected to Petfood Forum.
Petfood Forum does not sell or transfer attendee information to third-parties for commercial purposes. Any message making these claims is not affiliated with Petfood Forum, Petfood Industry or WATT Global Media, and does not contain information from Petfood Forum about its attendees and should be treated as spam.
These scammers are trying to phish for your information and gain access to financial resources. These companies have no association with Petfood Forum although they often use the Petfood Forum name and logo in their signature lines to try to fool you.
Scammers offering to sell these lists often use web crawlers or email “scraper” software to search for the “@” sign in email addresses posted on various websites (including LinkedIn and Facebook). Unfortunately, this issue is growing more and more common with large conferences and trade shows.
Do not engage with and/or acquire/purchase any lists from any company claiming to have use of Petfood Forum’s conference database, attendees or contact information as it puts you and others at risk.
Please be on the lookout for any suspicious emails and don’t let these third-party solicitors deceive you. We’re sorry for any inconvenience these spammers cause you. We encourage you to block the sender and delete the email. Impersonation scams like hotel reservation scams and email list sale scams can be reported to the FTC.