Mingyang Jeremy Zhu


Master Student


Wageningen University & Research

Presentation description:

In vitro mineral accessibility in commercial vegetarian and vegan dry dog foods —  Zhu presents results of a study investigating the mineral bioavailability in commercial plant-based dog foods compared to conventional animal-based dog foods. Plant-based pet foods, rising in popularity due to environmental and animal welfare concerns, often use protein sources that may contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid and polyphenols, which can hinder mineral bioavailability.


Mingyang Jeremy Zhu is an animal nutrition master’s student at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), specializing in pet nutrition and pet food processing. He finished his thesis on mineral accessibility in plant-based dog food while developing cat feed stations in the WUR animal nutrition group. His primary interest revolves around understanding ingredient functionality in pet food formulation, with a particular focus on antinutrients.