Jill Villarreal

Jill Villarreal, Ph.D.


Assistant professor


Harris-Stowe State University

Presentation Description:

Human factors that influence cat food purchasing — Jill Villarreal, Ph.D., assistant professor, Harris-Stowe State University determines whether there is a relation between human demographic factors (race/ethnicity, gender, income, age and self-identifying as a “cat-person”) and recent consumer trends and purchasing behaviors (by-product free, human-grade, organic, non-GMO, high protein). The results from this study will help cat food companies better understand and apply the complexity of the humanized cat food trend to today’s diverse cat owners.


Villarreal has over a decade of CPG experience in R&D and consumer insights for top pet food and pet food flavoring companies. She is currently an assistant professor at Harris-Stowe State University, where she teaches in psychology and conducts fundamental research on the human-animal bond, perceptions of pet personality traits, and product trends in the tend food industry. She is also the founder of Pet Insights LLC, which provides industry leaders with a deep understanding of pet behavior, psychology of pet parents and pet products currently in market to enhance product development, product renovation, product assessment and marketing of pet products.