Bart Dunsford, PhD


Business development manager


Lallemand Animal Nutrition

Presentation Description:

The gut-brain axis: select probiotic strains to enhance companion animal well-being – Considerable evidence shows that various probiotic strains impart differing results in animals, including broad, positive impacts on companion animal well-being. Knowledge of the relationship between immunity and probiotics is continuing to grow; single or multi-strains of probiotics can have an impact on gene expression, and the benefits can vary depending on the life stage. Similarly, various strains have positive effects for gastrointestinal well-being in several pathways. Now, Dunsford highlights recent research focusing on the gut-brain axis and the positive effects of specific probiotics on stress and anxiety.


Dunsford obtained a bachelor of science in animal science at Kansas State University, master of science in nutrition and doctorate in veterinary anatomy at Texas A&M University. His graduate work focused on the effect of various nutrients in the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Dunsford was an assistant professor in the animal science department at Virginia Tech and has spent more than 25 years in industry positions, with his main focus on probiotics and prebiotics since 2005. Previously, he worked for ADM, Farmland Industries, AFB International, Dad’s Pet Care, GTC Nutrition and Penford Foods. Dunsford has over 50 publications in scientific and trade journals and more than 30 invited presentations.